On Friday I set up my autoresponder to send out an email just after midnight, it was to point out that a special offer deal on an eBook I had promoted earlier in the week was about to end. By sending a reminder I was hoping to bring in a few extra sales (which it did), in fact you will see this tactic used a lot, the main reason is because it works. I knew I was going to be out at the planned broadcast time so I set everything up on Friday afternoon.
My subject line was:
‘A Quick Warning Email’
Here is the rest of the email:
John Thornhill here.
I just want to quickly warn you that you have just over 24 hours to
take advantage of Lee McIntyres pre launch special offer for his
brand new eBook ‘Mailing Lists Unleashed’
This eBook is 79 pages of top quality info, just waiting for you to
copy Lee’s methods and top secret tips and implement them yourself
to get started with your very own mailing list.
But hurry, as the pre launch offer ends this weekend. Don’t wait
till the price goes up as you will kick yourself, head on over
there now and take advantage of Lee’s pre launch offer.
Until next time…
I woke up the next morning and checked my mail and I found my email had created quite a stir. I had gotten responses such as:
“A quick warning” email … Are YOU NUTS!?
I didn’t read this email, but I am sure of why I am sending this response.
DON’T EVER SEND ME anything else that is as stupid and ignorant as this email.
I haven’t actually read the email fully (no need too), but I can guarantee you (by it’s subject), as an intelligent person, I would never read it.
Are you getting needy? Do you NEED to make your house payment in England? Obviously, this is true as you are using incredibly OLD manipulation techniques. You must be really “needy.”
I USED to “like” you.
Yes, it’s true. There are still some of us “intelligent” persons out there.
You will never gain respect doing “this” type of stuff. Stop it.
“Luuuvvvvv” Someone that was trying to succeed, but inadvertently got on you email list”
“I received an email with the heading, “A Warning email!” the word “WARNING” made my stomach churn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
And also…
“Calling an item a ‘warning’ email should be reserved for Scam alerts or Viruses, not just because something is ‘time limited’!
My feelings is that is as bad as misusing the Urgent flag on an email…”
I received about 10 similar emails, some to graphic to post but I’m sure you get the picture.
Anyway, I didn’t feel very proud of myself so I immediately sent a full broadcast apologizing for my mistake. Here it is:
I want to apologize for the subject line in the email I sent you
last night. The fact I used the word ‘warning’ has offended a few
people. I made a mistake as I’m only human and if I offended I
apologize. It won’t happen again.
There is a lesson to be learned for us all here. Choose your email
subject lines carefully when mailing your subscribers.
Until next time.
I then received about 100 replies.
Most along the lines of:
“Not a problem John….some folk must be on a short fuse !”
“That is bizarre – I just performed a quick search through the subject lines of many hundreds of internet marketing emails received over the past five years and there are literally dozens who use the word “warning” – it’s a common eye-catching word and whoever took offense is probably someone who just likes to wind people up for no good reason”
“No apology needed. In fact I think you should continue the infamous ‘warning’. The reading public makes it necessary to use all the means possible. In fact I had 2 ‘warning’ emails today. Hey Man, go for it”
“Certainly no offence taken, I clearly knew that the email was from you and anything in the subject line would be in the context of your usual emails. Looking forward to the next one”
And many many more similar emails.
Now first of all I don’t like upsetting anyone, and if the subject line did offend I apologize.
While I always try to create a title that makes you want to open the emails I send I never try to be ‘sneaky’ or use tactics that will cause a stir. While some marketers do this day in day out it’s not something I feel comfortable doing.
And if I can teach you anything here I want to finish by saying be sure to check out responses to any broadcast mailings you do. Listen to your subscribers as they are your business. And lastly, if you mess up be sure to send a second email apologizing.
This shows you are genuine and are human after all.
So what is the point of this Blog post?
The main reason I am posting this is because I would love to hear your comments. How do you feel about what happened? Were you offended? If so why?
Or maybe you never even realized there was a problem till I sent my second email apologizing. If that is you do you think some people over-reacted?
Please share your views.
November 26, 2007I wasn’t offended; I don’t wear my heart on my sleeve when it comes to all the email I get. But it was a bit over the top. If a report or ebook or what have you is really a great item, one can figure that out from the ad, not the headline.
November 26, 2007Good morning, John ~
When I read your apology email, all I could say was “You have GOT to be kidding me!” Not for you apologizing but for you being put in the position of having to apologize.
Why are people so quick to take offense at something as innocuous as using the word ‘warning’ in an email subject line? For goodness sake, are they totally unable to see that you were trying to do them a service? The utter lack of common sense shown by any number of people these days boggles the mind sometimes. And it forces you into a ‘politically correct’ position of having to apologize for something which was meant to help, not harm.
As you can tell, this sort of thing really irks me to no end. I just wanted you to know that some of us, and I presume the majority of those who receive your emails (as is evidenced by the fact that you received only about 10 emails opposing your use of the word ‘warning’ compared to 100 emails confirming that there was no problem with its usage), knew better than to take your words the wrong way. You are one of the ‘good guys’ and your readers should be ashamed of themselves for thinking that you would ever deign to write anything which would offend anyone.
There, I’ve had my say, gotten it off my chest, as it were. I hope it reinforces your confidence in your readers that not all of us go looking for something by which we may take offense in order to elicit an apology from the other person, that not all of us are so small-minded.
Thanks for everything you do FOR US, John! Keep up the good work! Some of us know how to appreciate you!
Cindy Currier
Robin Skeen
November 26, 2007John,
I was not offended at all. I was very surprised to receive the second e-mail. I saw the headline for what it was. It got me to open it. LOL Be well.
November 26, 2007You are one of the few people who can turn a negative into a positive. If all those who got their feelings hurt had taken the time to read the whole email they would have understood the spirit in which it was intended. I don’t understand why some people have to make such a big deal of trivial matters. Anyway, I for one appreciate the warning (reminder). Thanks
November 26, 2007It seems to me we have a lot of people on the “stress edge” if a simple word “Warning” sets them off. I always think of “Warning” used in traffic signs as “Pay attention, Look for” a situation Good or Bad just ahead.
Gads “lighten up” people.
Waht I am more amazed at are the negative responses that admited that they “did NOT even read or did Not read all” of the email.
Amazing that they would Not read it and yet send back a response like that.
It is impossible to do very much without offending people, while I am in this mode “I Wish Everyone A Merry Christmas”.
There, that may offend a few others.
November 26, 2007I wasn’t offended at all. I did think it was a stupid headline though.
A few more of that ilk and I would remove myself from a list that used such language.
A much better headline would have been ‘Special Offer Ending Soon’
It explains what it is about and doesn’t sound like spam.
When you have an inbox getting hundreds of emails a day, the last thing you need is a headline that sounds like spam.
A relevent headline is more likely to get opened and actioned as well.
My guess is that a better headline would have got you a better result.
Pat Graham
November 26, 2007Well, John…I am surprised by the negative comments you got about your now infamous warning. I wasn’t offended. Any real Internet Marketer wouldn’t have been offended either…probably never gave it a second thought.
You are surrounded by your impeccable reputation of true service to your customers and members. A few malcontents who get way too hysterical over a word in a headline are not marketers and do not understand the process.
I hope you don’t feel the need to change your quiet way of guiding newcomers to the right solutions and nudging those not so new into taking action. Your success and huge following proves that your methods of reaching people are gentle and positive…not negative.
Some people need to grow up some…or a lot…and acknowledge the realities of marketing.
Don’t change a thing…Pat Graham
November 26, 2007Hi John,
I wasn’t particularly bothered by the email but having said that I wouldn’t respond to that type of headline personally. If it works and you get more response then use it. The people who don’t like it may fall of the list but they may only be dead wood anyway so nothing to lose.
all the best
Floyd Bogart
November 26, 2007With all of the ways that email is abused these days, I would say that anyone that complained about that subject line was woefully out of touch. These people must spend most of their time either very upset, or hiding under the bed!
Okay that is a bit harsh, but you get the idea…
Floyd BOgart
November 26, 2007What is wrong with people these days? I didn’t think it was offensive at all. It didn’t bother me at all. If anything it made me think you might be warning us of a scam or a virus or something like that. Because, coming from you, I’m sure a lot of people would take your advice on something like that.
But then when I read what it was, I didn’t even thimk about the subject line. I didn’t see what the big deal was, and I certainly didn’t see the need for an apology. Those of us who love you John Thornhill, would never think bad of you. So don’t worry about it and don’t feel bad about yourself. You are great and I guess those “stressed out” people don’t realize yet just how great you are!
November 26, 2007John,
I don’t know why you are worrying so much about this. Surely it is a storm in a teacup. Some people have nothing more to do than send vitriolic emails about nothing. Those of us who follow you know of your helpful intentions towards your customers. Forget it and keep helping us!
Kindest regards.
David Connor
Frank Burciaga
November 26, 2007Hello John: I had absolutely no problem with your email. If some immature people got offended, it’s their problem not yours; some people only try to find fault in everybody, real or not, if they are such experts on marketing they don’t need to read your emails (which some of them don’t anyway).
Keep up the good work!
Frank Burciaga
Joseph Ratliff
November 26, 2007John,
You’ve reached that point where you’re marketing has P.O.ed some people, once. That just means you have marketed to a lot of people. It’s like playing Football, if you don’t get dirty, you didn’t play.
We have all had those moments where we made a little faux pas, but honestly, this one was little. I didn’t see it at all.
You didn’t offend me in the least, and I am very critical.
Guess marketing must be taking another turn. Sad.
Joseph Ratliff
Author Of The Profitable Business Edge 2
Franck Silvestre
November 26, 2007Hey John,
I’m on your list, and I didn’t receive any of these 2 emails. I’ve read somewhere that if your marketing doesn’t upset some of your visitors, it wasn’t a good advertising.
November 26, 2007I opened and read the message **because it was from you** and I was not offended, because it was from you, someone I respect and trust. I just figured it was urgent.
However, I find many of the subject lines used by some marketers, by spammers and by other strangers (such as on listjoe, list bandit, and those kinds of things) offensive or overly presumptuous. I delete them unread.
So I’m guessing that your regular customers were not phased. But new readers may have been disappointed to be receiving what looked like more of the same old junk.
People **are** on edge a lot these days, especially near the holidays. I saw no need for you to apologize. But thanks.
Keith Purkiss
November 26, 2007I’m surprised about anyone complaining, this is nearly as bad as the overpriced ebooks guy.
I suppose now I have to change one of my autoresponder email series that says ‘{!first_name}, A word of Warning’ ?
Randy Smith
November 26, 2007I too wondered what you’d done John, when you sent the second email….
At least now I know …lol
Personally I wasn’t offened – but then I wouldn’t be regardless of your subject line…. I would assume it was a newer subscriber that took big offence, one who hadn’t come to realise yet that you only send genuine content and useful links…
Some people do seem to take offence at the slightest thing – and yet there are so many other events and happenings in the world that could occupy their minds!!
If you offend no-one, I reckon you must be missing out on a large chunk of business …. so you do have to offend a small minority just to know you’re marketing correctly…LOL
Oh well – at least they gave you some content out of it… hehe
Warm Regards
P.S. Do check my blog for details of Camtasia and Snagit for free
(thought your subscribers might appreciate the tools John ;))
ebay forum
November 26, 2007Chalk me down for another that found the “warning” a little uncomforting. It stirred the pot none the less. Congrats!
Vince Andrews
November 26, 2007Hi, John
It would seem that some people are easily upset these days, It is obvious to me that many of the people that replied with disparaging remarks, to your email will sadly never be at the top of Internet Marketing. We are now in an era of marketing that is having to compete with so many, that tactically every word in the dictionary needs to be used to pull in sales.
I personally have been receiving your emails for about eighteen months and can honestly say that you are the kind of gentleman that would never intentionally harm anyone on purpose. You have given so many struggling people the professional use of your time to help and change their lives.
I stand with the thousands out their that respect you as a person and also has one of the best marketers out there.
Thanks for a great future…
Vince Andrews
Daniel Howard
November 26, 2007Hi John…. (Whats the fuss about)
Ive been on your list some time now, and personally i want to thank you for your great information that you’ve given us, not you apologizing to us. I wasn’t offended at all its very eye catching in my mind, I don’t think that you of all people would try to intimidate anybody but give your professional respect to everyone.
Thank You
Daniel Howard
Jo Blythe
November 26, 2007John,
Judging by the responses you have generated from the initial email I would say you have yet another marketing success!
Well Done
P.S. If you come up with any more and need someone to test them – let me know! lol
November 26, 2007Hey John
Your email title didnt offend me one bit, not sure
why others didnt like it, but I guess everyone is entitled
to their opinion in the lovely free world.
sally
Judi Mehrens
November 26, 2007Hi John,
You have truly shown that you’re a better human being than I am. I think I would have directed the complainers to the unsubscribe link.
If their sensibilities are so fragil as to be upset by your “warning,” they clearly are going to have a very hard time dealing with the online world of marketing! I’m on a lot of lists and can’t imagine one of the other marketers responding with the care that you have.
China Brooks
November 26, 2007Hello John!
I am a new member. I just signed up over the Thanksgiving Holiday here in the States. I didn’t see the email so I’m just coming in on the aftermath. I do understand that email tone can be misunderstood. So much so that I am now quite careful within myself and my business to pay close attention to that what I publish.
On a positive note, what I can say is that all of this commotion has caused me to once again be interested in purchasing Lee’s book. Thank you for the lesson on what not to do. I will be sure to share the same as the http://www.urbanconsciousness.com blog debuts.
Christopher Phillips
November 26, 2007Hi John
“Warning” never use the word “Warning”
I didn’t find it all offensive but there again I get hundreds of emails every day some of which I would consider far more offensive.
I read them and bin them, I would never dream of writing and complaining unless it was really, really offensive.
Some people must have short memories, the good solid information that you have sent out, in my case for a very long time and you get castigated for using one word, must be soul destroying.
You won’t get me off your mailing list that easily!!
Thanks for all the good advice John and I look forward to your next email.
Graham in U.K.
November 26, 2007Hi John
What a load of nonsense!
Headline: Who let you out of your pram? (Get back in it at once!)
Stop Crying Like A Baby!
Just for the technically ungifted – if I receive email to my inbox its because you are in my address book as requested email.
If you are in my spam folder you take your chance with all the other rubbish email received on a daily basis.
As the email clearly has your name before the subject line, I would open it regardless of what the subject title was because I could quite clearly see it was from you.
No offence taken – no apology necessary!
Graham in U.K.
David DeWitt
November 26, 2007Hi, John! There will always be a lunatic fringe on the edge of any large group such as your mailing list! I knew the email was from you and I supposed the content was exactly what is was, a call to action for one of your products or JV’s. I think it is rediculous to go nuts over something so minor as this when the state of the world is what it is – and I do not blame the state of the world for the ill feeling that some folks expressed. I blame those who have pushed us into living in fear instead of optimism and courage in the face of the obstacles we are facing today. Buck up, people, and use your common sense for cripe’s sake!
The lesson here is to realise that if you are dealing with a large group of people you are going to get apples and oranges in the mix, and a minor portion of fruit salad…
Learning to be respectful of all those differing opinions is a tough thing when you trully feel no apology is necessary. I don’t think one is needed in the least, myself.
Yet, if I offended just one person out a hundred the damage was done to at least that one person and I would try to correct it without discounting that person’s feelings and I think you have accomplished that by airing this situation as you have done on the blog today.
All the best, David~
Gary Canada
November 26, 2007John,
All I can say is it takes a bigger man than most to say he was wrong and apologize. Chalk the whole thing up to “One of Life’s
You are still respected and welcome in my email everyday. I just
finished deleting 22 others that I am tired of reading. You give
me content, products, and hope. Just keep doing your thing and
all will be well.
Carpe Diem
November 26, 2007Warning does not bother me. There were no flashing lights, no sirens- some people can be a bit precious but that us their right.This is an international medium and some people are more sensitive than others, again that is their right. Anyway it didn’t bother me, pity I can’t afford the book as I am FULLY committed to another project that is going to hit the big time VERY soon.Will advise through website when happens!
All the best
November 26, 2007John,
I don’t see what the problem is. Is this not being overplayed a bit. If it was from unknown email address I would not have opened it.
I will be sure and let you know if something you post bothers me.
C. O.
November 26, 2007Hello John
I have been receiving you emails for some time and you are an established trusted source, so I always read them even though I’m still not actively working on my website.
Like many others, I was surprised to get the apology email as the word ‘warning’ hadn’t bothered me, however I do agree that its use in that context is probably not advisable. A warning should be concerning something that might be dangerous rather than just missing out on a great opportunity.
I applaud your sending an apology when it proved that some people had been offended or just thought you had gone off-course. It shows you genuinely want to help people and care about their feedback.
Best wishes
November 26, 2007Sorry, John, that so many people took offense. I saw the headline, new what it was about as I had received your previous email and had also received Lee’s. I just deleted it without opening as there was no point, but I wasn’t insulted. A lot of sellers have used it in the past. If I get too many of the same, (because all of the emails are only selling, with no added content) I just unsubscribe. No offense taken either way.
You usually have something interesting to say or are helpful with education, so I also knew that I would read the next one from you, which I did.
Hopefully all of the ruffled feathers are now subdued. Seems like they may be people with way too much time on their hands.
November 26, 2007Hi John,
How can a fellow salesperson be ‘offended’ at another salesperson’s work? At most you may decide not to follow their example yourself, but taking offence would mean having to look at yourself to see why you were so offended.
I was not offended, however it did sound like “everyone else’s” type of marketing. Having said that, the amount of interest you have created by issuing a simple (& heartfelt) apology I would think has created you a much higher hit rate than usual? Perhaps when this has blown over you would consider sharing that information!
I have always held that if controversy is so ‘bad’ for marketing, how did Van Daniken ever succeed in buying his own house?
I like the fact that I am able to learn from you “warts & all”
Rob Daniel
November 27, 2007Warning Warning, Danger Will Robinson, Danger!
Er, wow!
There is not an issue here. It isn’t in my world and it wasn’t when I received your emails.
Words are – words. And these aren’t even spken out loud, they’re WRITTEN DOWN!
I understand you felt the need to respond after receiving a few over the top emails, but you’ll never make everyone happy mate.
There’s what happens, and what we make it mean. Being all ‘meaning making machines’ we’re all capabale of going off down long dark tunnels, but those who responded in that way have got lost somewhere.
If I read, believed and took seriously all the subject lines I receive – can you imagine how thick the walls would need to be to hold me inside the asylum?
November 27, 2007Dear John,
I didn’t feel offended by the warning email. I was a bit disappointed though because I didn’t think the word warning was suitable in that email, specially coming from you.
I applaud you being kind enough to send an apology, which shows that you care for people.
I also think it was lucky that your customers came back to you to let you know how they felt.That gave you the opportunity to try to amend the situation if you wanted to.
I work in Customer Service and I am very frequently on the phone to customers. I have learned that about 80% of people won’t give you feedback, only 20% will tell you what they think. So, how can you fix a problem if you don’t know there is one?
What I am trying to say is that I know you did not intentionally try to offend anyone, but it is good that people who did not like your email were honest enough to let you know they were uncomfortable. This will help you (and many others) to improve your future emails.
I really, really, really appreciate all that you do for us.
fred lawrence
November 27, 2007Imagine being married to people who get so easily upset when they misunderstand the intended meaning of one word.
Are they going to return all the free knowledge they took from you>
Are they going to send you all the cash they made from that free knowledge?
We have a saying out here in the Australian colonies (!)
“Treat mugs like mugs and fools with ignore”.
Look what they’re going to miss out on if they opt out
November 27, 2007LOL I actually accepted the warning boughtthe item and am very pleased. poo poo to those that cant take a warning or two in thier lives! Blessings to John that always knows my name, thats what matters! Diana
November 27, 2007Hi John,
In my previous post I forgot to say that it is ok to give feedback but there is no need to be ugly.
November 27, 2007Hi John,
I was not offended. I think they must have been people that have only just joined your list and not had many emails from you. If they had been receiving them on a regular basis they would know you never meant anything nasty or funny.
Thanks for everything keep up the good work and remember “You can’t please all the people all the time!”
Every blessing
November 27, 2007Hi John,
We are all different in the way we perceive things.Forgive them.
I actually feel sorry for you for what you’ve had to go through.
There was no problem with your message.
I will stand by you all the way.
November 27, 2007I was not offended by any of those emails, at least it proves a human being is behind this blog. I wouldn’t go chasing after the author of a badly formulated email anyway! Don’t people have better things to do?
What offends me is all the emails I get everyday telling me I have won/inherited…. millions of dollars, they have my email address, can’t they just pay me trhoug PayPal? (haha!)
November 27, 2007Heck, I sent my “condolences” to the wrong e-mail address. I’m here reproducing what I wrote > > >
Hi John,
Man, I really feel for you. Some people can be so touchy. Personally, I see nothing wrong with what you wrote. Some people just don’t realize that a “warning” is just a “heads up” — meaning, take heed, take note. Not to “warn” in the threatening sense. In the context of your mail, it was clear you did not mean it in the latter sense.
But you are right, John. One has to be careful about what one writes these days. (I learnt that myself some years ago.) People are not as widely read anymore, they are not as sensible or reasonable anymore, and they take offence at the slightest. But when they do something that is clearly wrong, they say they have not done anything wrong and that we are touchy. Duh!
John Scott
November 27, 2007Hi John,
I wasn’t offended in the least bit and think you would have to be pretty thin-skinned to be concerned over the word “warning”. Heaven help anybody who calls their new product “eBay Early Warning System” or “Affiliate Warning Tracker and etc.
I personally tend to glance over the subject line – what I do look at is who the email is from. If it is from one of my respected sources, then the subject line doesn’t really worry me in the slightest.
However, in this day and age when everone has to be seen to be “politically correct”. then I guess you have to be more careful with your “p’s and q’s” so as not to offend some sensitive minority!
David Perdew
November 30, 2007Hey John –
This is pretty funny…not the “warning”…not the “apology”…but the 43 comments you’ve gotten on the blog about it…and I’ll be 44 if someone doesn’t beat me to it
I went through something similar, except probably worse, last summer when I sent an e-mail with the subject “Open this e-mail or get out!” – Whew! Did I make some people mad!
But I heard from them…that was the good thing! And it only cost me 10 or 15 unsubscribes.
Whether it’s an accident (like yours appears to be) or a calculated risk (like mine was), readers have to be shaken up occasionally or they get complacent…just as we marketers do too.
Thanks, I enjoyed this…
David Perdew
Sharon Bray-McPherson
November 30, 2007Hi John,
In my 8 years of online marketing I’ve learned one very important truth… you can please all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.
December 1, 2007John
I’ve owned my own retail stores since 2001 and customer satisfaction has always been “key” in the success. However, I have learned that quite frankly you can’t please everybody. (Although you want to). There’s just people out there that are having a bad moment, hour, day, year or are just plain “grumpy” by nature and need to take it out on someone.
I have to say, I used your ebook techniques incorporated with my own to open another eBay ID three months ago on the 10th focusing on physical merchandise. I’ve already earned close to 500 feedbacks at 100% and met powerseller status (except for the time frame, I have to wait until the 10th of December). It’s been huge. I’ve never had an ID go Powerseller that fast, it’s quite incredible.
My point, anything you send, I will read.
By the way, I never received those emails either.
If your looking for the “real” wholesale suppliers of merchandise that retail business store owners get their inventory from then check out wholesalemillionaire.com!
December 1, 2007Thank You John,
I for one wasn’t offended and recognized the “Warning” as an old tactic once used and shrugged it off. I scan most of your posts for what I truly need and take what you have of value…(Speed Read!) Not everyone can be as perfect as our critics, Learn from it and go on. I enjoy and learn everyday from your hard work and success, so I say “BULLY!”
Yours in Success,
Paula Brett
December 2, 2007John, I have to agree with what everyone else said. I wasn’t offended at all and was quite surprised at the 2nd apology email.
Keep up the good work 😉
Paula Brett
Simon Croft
December 12, 2007John
Whats all the fuss, all you were doing was informing us that an offer was running out, as many people have said, a common tactic. What you have shown, however, is that you DO listen to your subscibers and you do admit you have made a mistake, even if in many peoples eyes, including my own, you hadn’t. The people that were offended are either new to internet marketing and tactics used or they don’t belong to many lists. What have we leant by all this? To continue to be subscribed to you and listen to your advice.
Empowering Success
December 13, 2007Funny how a word can really throw people into a full blown tizzy fit! I get emails, hundreds a week using words such as “urgent”, “important” and “warning” and none of them have ever made my heart skip a beat or my nerves get frazzled.
In this business of internet marketing, you have to use words that will catch someones attention, if those that complained can’t handle a word, I really don’t think they should be in this business to begin with. This of course is just MY opinion.
Ron Killian
Peter Ford
January 6, 2008G’day John,
When I first read the subject line, “A quick warning email Peter”
My first reaction was not; oh cool that makes me curious in a straight up positive way. It was more like, who’s trying to warn me? In a sort of negative way. I hate to admit it because it does sound pathetic but there was that immediate thought.
Now don’t get me wrong, I did read the email and I could see it for what it was and I certainly didn’t feel the need to send an abusive reply. But from your feedback even though you achieved some sales you also lost some subscribers. I will avoid using the word Warning in my subject lines [when I get to that stage].
I am sure there are plenty of other positive words that will deliver a good result and keep subscribers in a positive mood. However I do realize, “You can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.”
I am glad you sent the apology email and posted your feedback and I appreciate the lesson you have taught us.
Peter Ford
Private Label Rights
September 2, 2009I love your posts! Please write more often if you can
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