I’ve been running a few Warrior Special Offers (WSO’s) lately and let me tell you that if this is something you are not doing you need to start, as I have quite frankly been shocked by the results.
I mean just take a look at the latest WSO I have running.
This is a $5 product that’s making all this money, who would have thought it?
After running a few WSO’s there are a few things I have noticed and a few things you must do if you want to make your WSO a success.
First of all your WSO must be outstanding value. My last WSO was 12 months worth of training for only $5, the usual price was 12 monthly payments of $47. You’d think I was crazy to do this but I’ve made more from the $5 offer than the $47pm offer. So make sure you provide outstanding value with anything you put together. I have also found $5 to be the magic price point so if you can come up with a $5 offer with an upsell (more on upsells later) you are onto a winner. Great WSO’s are usually:-
- Heavily discounted products. (Look at your existing products)
- New methods or secrets.
- Easy to follow guides.
- Action plans. (Step by step)
- Services such as copywriting or traffic generation.
- Software, plugins, automation tools, etc.
- Simple $5 reports. (Anyone can do this)
Basically if you can come up with something that will help others then it can be turned into a successful WSO.
Affiliate your WSO. To make your WSO truly successful requires the efforts of others. While you will make sales from the Warrior Forum traffic the key is to get affiliates on board so make sure your WSO has an affiliate program. Also make sure you create an effective affiliates page. You can see one of mine for ideas here. Your affiliate program can be an in house program or even ClickBank, there is also WSO Pro which is a highly popular tool that integrates with the Warrior Forum and it is very very effective, it also uses PayPal and pays affiliates instantly so it makes promoting products attractive for affiliates as they know they will be paid right away.
One thing I am still not too sure of is the fact WSO Pro uses a split payment system, meaning that PayPal payments are split between the affiliate and vendor, so in effect you can receive a payment for someone else’s product. I am yet to be convinced this is a safe thing to do with PayPal so for now I’ve been using my own in house program and ClickBank, however WSO Pro is so attractive I may consider it with a future WSO.
Sidenote! I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on Split Pay and if it’s ever caused you any problems so if you have anything to add to this please leave a comment.
Have an upsell. If you have a low priced frontend offer most of the money will be made on the backend, with my latest WSO I offer a $97 and then a $67 product after the initial purchase. Also having an upsell attracts more affiliates as they know there is the potential to earn more than just the frontend sale. BTW, you must reward affiliates for any upsells you sell after the initial offer.
Upsells can be enhanced versions of your frontend offer, a collection of existing products, a monthly membership service (affiliates love recurring commissions) or even resale/PLR rights to the frontend product.
Make sure you build a list from your WSO as this is the ultimate buyers list. WSO buyers are generally people who want to succeed and are willing to pay to do so. If you can build a list of Warrior Forum buyers then you are building a list that can go on to reward you well into the future. One piece of advice here, if you are forcing people to opt-in to receive their purchase, say so on your sales page. I personally never force my customers to opt-in. I let them choose to register for updates and most do.
If I can leave you with any advice it is this. WSO’s are a fantastic way to make money and if it’s something you aren’t doing, I’d advise you to start now. I have many more WSO’s planned, and I’m also working on a ‘How to Succeed With WSO’s’ product, more on this at a later date.
As always please share your comments and experiences.
September 9, 2011Hi John
Great post as ever.You’ve been doing some great things with your WSO’s.I have a quick question about this if you don’t mind.
I think I’m right in saying that WSO product must be the sellers own original work ie no modification of PLR allowed.
I’m not sure if this is also the case with backend products (upsell/downsells). Do you or anyone here know?
All the best,
John Thornhill
September 9, 2011I would imagine if you modify the PLR content enough to make it unique it would be fine.
Matt Poc
September 9, 2011In terms of upsells and downsells – these can be PLR products.
Just make sure that your MAIN product that you sell as a WSO is UNIQUE.
Matt Poc
Phil Rogers
September 9, 2011I see the WSOs quite often and have taken advantage of some of them that have had crazy prices. I’ve always wondered whether the vendor actually makes any money from them, or whether it’s simply a list-building exercise.
You have demonstrated that it can actually be both.
Thanks for this valuable info.
Matt Poc
September 9, 2011Yeah, there are some crazy deals on Warrior forum!
From what I’ve seen people are doing, WSOs are created to make money and a list is a nice bonus
Mano Rame
September 9, 2011Thank you for the valuable inputs about WSOs. Offering $5 reports seems like something anyone can do provided they have some specialized knowledge.
September 9, 2011Woah John! That’s some serious money for a 5 dollar wso! Congrats!
I am seriously thinking about getting a wso pro account but have heard ugly things about pay pal, so I will wait for responses of people who use it and see if I can make a decision.
Now is Split Pay through Paypal or is it something different?
Again, great job on the WSO and I am excited to get my own WSO on the Warrior Forum!
John Thornhill
September 13, 2011The split pay feature is via PayPal Lisa.
Omar Martin
September 9, 2011That forum is full of hungry buyers.
Like fish in a barrel for sales.
Matt Poc
September 9, 2011Hey John,
Another great strategy to make some quick money with WSOs is to create PLR products. These also can be in any niche
This is something that I had success with. When I tried selling interviews that I did with other marketers, I would not make any money, because I would sell them for a low price.
However, if you sell a PLR product for $30, you need to make just 3 sales to be in profit and that’s easy, because people who buy PLR products are REAL marketers, who have more money than a regular person.
I also, make sure that my WSOs are very limited and have some scarcity elements like: price increases by $20 every 5 sales and only 20 copies will be ever sold.
Another thing about creating PLR products is that if you use WSO pro, there are 436 people who get notified when a WSO with a keyword PLR is released – that’s a lot of people! You can look at other keywords if you go to http://www.warriorplus.com/wso/alert/ and then look at “Most Popular Keywords” – PLR is #1
I guess that I get the biggest amount of sales from people who get notifications and not from people who are looking at Warrior Special Offers.
Matt Poc
John Thornhill
September 9, 2011That’s interesting as Profit From PLR will be my next WSO
Matt Poc
September 9, 2011By the way, what I realized with PLR products is that when I create them, they continue to make sales even after a few months after I launch my WSO, unlike with other traditioanal make money online products, that do not make money after a few days it was launched.
I guess people go to Warrior forum and search for PLR products. There is some really great PLR material there
Ken Soszka
September 9, 2011Wow – I’m going to try this John, thanks! I think I will make a report about the automated websites that I sell. The lead generation alone will be invaluable, and if I can make a few bucks in the process, well that’s just icing on the cake!
Thank You!
Ken Soszka
Aaron Salian
September 9, 2011Hey John,
That was a great post. I would also like to say that the MPM is a wonderful product. I have brought 3 of your WSO’s so far and I am totally convinced with the quality of information that you provide in your product.
I just wanted to ask you John that I am at Week 4 of your coaching program and would no step into product creation. I already have a few good PLR products that I had purchased in the past which were just lying in my hard disk. I wanted to know, would it be a good idea to launch a WSO for the coaching program as a product?
Thanks in advance,
John Thornhill
September 13, 2011Hi Aaron,
Yes, you could launch a product as a WSO if you wanted to. That wouldn’t be a problem.
gary tomlinson
September 9, 2011I can only really endorse everything that John has said.
I ran my first wso recently and sold 170 copies of my ebook, I’m still making regular sales and everyone of those buyers has one onto my aweber list.
I used WSO pro and the only problem that I can really see is that if someone asks for a refund and the afiliate has received that particular payment it is up to them to make the refund. If they refused it would be down to you as the seller to refund something that you hadn’t received the payment for.
I suppose it’s not really a big deal for low priced products but the only other way around it is to only approve affiliates that you know or who you are familiar with.
David Taylor
September 9, 2011Hi John and thanks for that valuable post.
As you know, I have been working on a WSO for a while now and chose to use Digiresults purely because of the fact they don’t use the split pay method. They actually split the payment according to the percentage you choose and pay instantly too. I will be interested to know the results.
All the best,
David Caudill
September 9, 2011Hello John,
As always thanks for a very inspiring and informative post for all of us in your Masterclass.
Once again my respect level for you and what you do has increased as I see through you and other students what is truly possible in the future.
To Your Success,
David Caudill
Terry Conti
September 9, 2011Hi John,
As you know the Internet is always changing. This new way of earning using WSO’s is just another example of new and exciting things that work.
You always do a good job of sharing what is working for you and keeping us up to date.
WSO’s is a no brainer! Thanks for sharing John.
Keep on keeping on,
Terry Conti
Carol Clifford
September 10, 2011Hi John
Great post thanks! I guess I am wondering if WSOs will increase in popularity as Clickbank accounts are increasingly shut down – not just vendors, but affiliates who promote Clickbank products that do not comply with the new promotional rules. Maybe WSOs are part of the changing face of marketing? I wonder if affiliates will start promoting WSOs because it is ‘safer’ than promoting Clickbank products. So yes, a very timely lesson about the virtues of a WSO.
Best wishes
Manie Amari
September 10, 2011Great blog post John Thanks. Really appreciate the incite into the things you need to cover in order to produce a good WSO.
I noticed you created your recent WSO from one of your previous products. Also didn’t realise the potential of WSO when used with upsells. Great points you identified here. I have taken notes.
Thanks again for sharing
Mary Kathan
September 10, 2011Hi John
Is there a way to WSO with an upsell if you only have one product of your own? For example, upsell as an affiliate or something? Or is it better to wait until you have enough products of your own?
By the way, I am in Masterclass – and loving it!
John Thornhill
September 13, 2011Hi Mary,
yes, you can add upsells and this is a crucial part of the sales process.
Kelly Provost
September 10, 2011Thanks for the advise John. Did you get any response on the split pay deal on pay pal? Makes me nervous :O
Also, I have my product I am working on now that I was going to market at a higher price but what I am understanding is you are saying to WSO the higher quality product and then up-sell a PLR product after. Should I do this right away do you think or establish my product in the market first then WSO later?
If I’m being honest, I am afraid of cheapening my product as soon as it hits the market and loosing value. What do you think?
John Thornhill
September 13, 2011I would go with the option that will make you the most money.
One strategy is you release your product and have a launch price. Lets say the launch price is $10
The you put your price up to say $27
Now run a WSO at the original $10 price.
That is one strategy you can use very effectively.
September 11, 2011Hey John….
WOW…on the Clickbank statements…now are these results typical of WSO’S or is it the particular offer within this one?
It really is an amazing result…it is something I want to be a part of…keeping a close eye on this @ the moment all my focus is on giveaways with my viral reports…tell me once these WSO’s are intigated are they permanent…the reason why I ask is could you not have a link in a viral report to the WSO…
…then market the viral report via giveaways…surely you can’t get more autopilot than that with the right offer?
John Thornhill
September 13, 2011Yes Ed, once your WSO is live you should promote it any way you can. For example I am promoting mine via this blog but it could easily be promoted via viral reports.
September 11, 2011I want to add to that…what I mean by a link is you could either showcase the offer with a link to the WSO
simply have the link at the footer of each page e.g if the report is about how to use social media for traffic generation your link could go to a video course you created on how to use say Twitter and Google+ in the WSO offer and the link could state at the footer “Make Money Using Google+ FREE HERE”…or something simular?
What do you think….Ed.
September 13, 2011Thanks for that…The only issue I had with this approach is I wasn’t sure if the WSO was only allowed to be advertised for a certain period of time…making the virus approach a none entity…but you have now dispelled that John!
September 19, 2011If you made 18769.46 from WSO, you make much more less than that outside of the WSO?
Business Forum
September 19, 2011Very nice guide indeed to create a new product , a kick start to wso start ups.
Matt Morgan
September 27, 2011My WSO Experience?
I have done many of these WSOs, at these low prices too and I will tell you that they work.
Infact people have approached me to do Case studies for my WSO as models to use.
WSOs are creative ways to make money, aslong as your product is good, and it is one way for you to check if your product can go further, or be sold outside the warrior forum.
I have done many $5 WSOs, and here are my 10 tips:
-Make sure you proof read your ebook, a few spelling mistakes can put people of,
-Have a hot sales letter,
-Answer any questions in detail, don’t hide anything,
-Include testimonials after receiving them, embedding them in the sales page,
-Offer an affiliate program for your WSO, so others can promote it,
-Offer an upsell, after the WSO offer. It is a way to make extra money after people purchase your WSO,
-Dont put out crap, and don’t lie in your sales letter!
-The price $3-$5 works fine, just make sure have a hot product,
-Double check everything from the sales letter, from the ebook, to the Thank you page,
-Make sure your download page + Download links are working.
That’s all I can think of for now, if i think of any more i will post them later.
Matt Morgan
September 30, 2011Hi John
Do you have the wso how to training guide.
how to have a pay button
how to refund if they request one
how to set it all up in general.
John Thornhill
October 1, 2011I am working on a product that covers everything you need to know right now, you can register your interest here:
Oswald Rodrigues
October 8, 2011Thanks for the informative post. You’ve inspired me to launch a WSO. So watch out! The recent trend of instant pay affiliate programs appears to be catching on fast. So Clickbank better watch out!
As for the split payment issue, I recall Jimmy D. Brown (if my memory serves me right) using the method several years ago for some of his affiliate programs and he reported that it was OK by Paypal’s terms. I don’t know if Paypal have changed their terms of late.
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