I have great pleasure in bringing you this great free audio in which I interview Dan Sumner on the subject of blogging. In this ground breaking interview Dan reveals the tactics that has enabled him to become a recognized blogging expert. I promise no matter what level you are at you will benefit from the tactics we reveal.
You can listen to the audio by clicking the play button below.
If you would like to download the audio version to listen to on your mp3 player simply right click here and save as.
As always I welcome your comments and if you have any questions regarding the audio or any blogging related questions simply leave them below and myself and Dan will answer them.

Carl Picot
October 6, 2012Hi John …
I’ve just downloaded this so I can listen to it in the car on the way home… (but think Ill take a sneak peek now as I have a few mind free)
Many thanks for the cool resource.
Dave Nicholson
October 6, 2012Hey guys,
Cracking interview there with some awesome information.
I’m sure listeners will get a LOT from this!
October 6, 2012Great Interview John.
I know I should have a blog and I have tried setting one up but I always find myself struggling for something to say that’s actually of value.
I’ve always told myself that if I haven’t got something of value to say then don’t say it.
I think I need to address that!
John Thornhill
October 6, 2012Listen to the tips Dan reveals at the end about just starting. Awesome stuff.
Barry Wells
October 6, 2012Hi John,
Thanks for making the interview available, I’ve downloaded it and will have a good listen.
I’ve reviewed Bloggers Roadmap and know the quality of the product so I look forward to this
Nice one,
Sergio Felix
October 6, 2012What an AMAZING interview guys, I took some notes while listening to it but I’m just going to share a few tips otherwise I would end up writing a complete blog post here.
About separating personality from the niche on the blog, absolutely NOT.
I’ve found that whenever I write about personal topics everything gets a bigger response: open rates, CTR, social shares, comments so what I do now, is I try to be personal but I also “sprinkle” marketing bits throughout the article.
I don’t use any blogging editors either but I know that Ultimate TinyMCE is great for that, I used it in the beginning but now I just do whatever I can with HTML and shortcodes.
The difference between Dan’s Bloggers Roadmap and other blogging products it’s DAN, simple as that.
Somebody asked a very interesting question about personal posts, calls to action and selling frequency.
Like I said above, a personal bit here and there will never hurt your blog, in fact, it will resonate with part of your audience and those people will remain with you as long as you keep being yourself (this is exactly why it’s so important to be yourself at all times and don’t fake anything).
I don’t know where I read (or heard) this but you should NEVER write a post without a call to action.
A call to action doesn’t necessarily means “BUY THIS”, it can be tweet this, share this, comment on this article, it can be anything but never forget to INCLUDE one on every post.
About the selling frequency I used to do a LOT of reviews before and always tried to monetize with links here and there, banners, etc. I have found that when people actually started buying through my links was the exact moment when I stopped selling to them.
If you write a review, you don’t need to put 20 affiliate links throughout the article, you just need to focus on the review’s quality and put ONE link in the end, that’s it.
Blog challenges are AMAZING to do. It keeps you accountable and you inspire others to do the same (if you succeed). Even if you help ONE person through this, they keep forever grateful to you.
And last but not least, this interview could EASILY be an iTunes podcast.
With the statistics that some big bloggers get (a few million downloads) this is a massive untapped source of targetted traffic.
All you need to do is add an intro and outro (can be set inside the “Audio Player” plugin for wordpress and you don’t even need to embedd the intro or outro with the main audio).
So that’s all!
Thanks for sharing the interview Dan and John, this is a PERFECT example of having amazing, free and valuable pillar content in our blogs.
Dave Greenland
October 6, 2012Hi great interview. Been putting buying bloggers road map Just bought it looking forward to reading it
October 6, 2012Hi John & Dan,
Great interview mate, really enjoyed it. I didn’t expect my question to be mentioned. It was a cheeky question,I couldn’t think of one and I wanted to ask one. I know Dan’s products would be top notch. Having researched the book for all that time he will be an expert on it.
I haven’t bought the product but I will do that in the near future.I’ve cooked a Thai curry and not too bad it was either. Thanks again guys, top banana as usual.
Galina St George
October 6, 2012Hi John,
I have just shared the link to this interview on FB, and also posted it to a group I am part of, since I believe that there is a lot to learn from it on how to make a blog work for a business. It is not only the content that is brilliant, bit the way the interview is being conducted. It flows effortlessly and naturally, and when I need an example of a great interview, I will refer people to it,
Kind wishes,
thelma harcum
October 7, 2012John, I’m enjoying listening to your interview with Dan. He’ write on target with the updates about blogging. I like what he say about placing ads on blogs and writing good content.
Matt Morgan
October 7, 2012Nice interview.
Great gems in the interview, which can be played on Ipods, cars, mp3 players etc.
Its makes a nice change to have some content have a different format such as an audio.
Thanks for providing a free interview which provides tremendous value.
Matt Morgan
Dean Thompson
October 8, 2012Hi John,
Good interview with Dan.
He’s a really informatve guy on the blogging subject and you can tell he’s passionate about what he does.
Thanks for asking my question.
The Bloggers Roadmap will certainly help me in making my blog more professional and start attracting new visitors.
Dean Thompson.
Mark Houston
October 9, 2012Great interview! A lot of good ideas.
Craig Pullman
October 9, 2012Hi John,
great interview. Given me some food for thought on my blog going forward. Top job!
Michael Snyder
December 19, 2012Thanks for offering this interview John. I also want to say that I am almost done with your “one month mentor” coaching program and it has helped me so much. I think I have ADD because everything online has been pulling in all sorts of places and I never can complete anything.
But I started going through your coaching steps and it keeps me on track. Now I have a blog up and I just uploaded my first product on ClickBank.
I am so glad that I found your blog.
Take care,
Mark McKnight
August 22, 2013Hi John,
I have listened to some of the audio recording and will return to listen to the rest when I get more time.
When I downloaded it I noticed that the recording lasts 55 minutes. As I didn’t have much time to listen on this occasion, it would have helped me to have some sort of contents on the blog post above telling me the different topics and questions Dan was talking about and answering with a time-stamp.
For example: 27min 30secs – How do you keep visitors engaged with your blog for the long term?
Is there a reason you don’t include this sort of info? Does anyone else think it would help?
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