Get Your Act Together

I’m sitting here this afternoon watching the first snowfall of the winter, trying to figure out what I should get into next. I could work on the iPhone application that I’m developing, or convert my mystery novel for Amazon Kindle, or go shovel the walk (nah!). Not quite time to feed the dogs or get the horses in from the field . . . I did promise my wife that I’d vacuum the living room. Maybe I should take a nap, conserve my energy before I start working . . . No. What I really should do is write my guest post for John Thornhill’s blog!

Isn’t it amazing how we can find so many other activities to occupy our time, activities that will not help us to start, or to improve our online business? We have to give ourselves a swift kick sometimes. Why is that? Surely we want to succeed at Internet marketing, but too many times we think the latest shiny product from our favorite marketing guru is going to magically set us on that road to financial freedom. Maybe if we just put off that hard work for now and wait for the next shiny toy . . .

Nope! That approach is not going to work. The only approach that will make a difference in what you are doing now and what you will be doing a year from now is good old hard work. Start your online business, and then work at it every day, and you’ll see progress.

We all encounter these same hurdles when we start out. I wrote Starting a Practical Online Business to help you make the right choices when you start out and to help you avoid problems now and in the future . . .

What you have just read I wrote six days ago. Yup. I let other things get in the way again — one of our horses had a hoof abscess, one of our dogs got sick, I had a medical procedure, I was watching reruns of “Boston Legal” — the list of excuses goes on and on, but in reality, I had plenty of time to write this post if I’d just sat down and done it.

We are our own worst enemies when it comes to getting our businesses up and running and then improving on them. No one is holding us back — that is, no one but ourselves.

So finally start your online business, or if you already have one, write that blog entry, go find some good eBooks and reports to send to your list, finish the website you started to promote that ClickBank product, write a few more pages in your next eBook. Get your act together!

This is a guest post written by Dan Ferry, for more tips from Dan check out Starting a Practical Online Business


  • Rob Corrigan

    Reply Reply February 10, 2010

    Hi Dan, I know exactly where you are coming from! I have been off ill for the past 3 days so I thought it would be the ideal opportunity to get those tasks done that I have been putting off. I always make a 5 point to do list every night and was horrified to find that there was a task I have been putting off for over a month. Not some herculean labour but something which would take about an hour at most. Still not done, what did I do instead spent ages checking e-mail that is over 90% junk. not very productive. So I think we need to be tougher with ourselves. So let do it tomo, OK after I have checked the e-mail at least 14 times.


  • Julian Macintyre

    Reply Reply February 12, 2010

    Hi Dan,
    Great post, I can relate too exactly what you’re saying. I’ve just started oout in the IM niche and there are so many things to do, I dont know where to start. The sensible thing is to start with what’s going to make money, but until recently, I was’nt doing that. I was spending time checking out products, going through e-mail, twittering etc etc.

    As Rob said, we do need to be tougher on ourselves.I have recently changed my desktop background to a text document that simply reads “don’t put of to tomorrow, what can be done today”

    Anyway must go things to do.

  • Doug Prentice

    Reply Reply February 12, 2010

    Hi Dan
    You just put into words the what holds so many of us back from achieving our goals. What we all have to keep in our minds is how good we feel when we’ve actually done something that takes our business forward.
    So do these things on your list, get a mental lift and them spend a little time on the non productive stuff – but no too long.
    Even leaving comments on other people’s blogs can be productive in driving extra traffic.
    Stick with the three word mantra – Do It Now!
    Must go – promised John I’d stick with it this year.
    Best regards

  • Ed

    Reply Reply February 13, 2010

    Hi Dan,

    yep that sounds about right,however thats exactly what i am doing right now blog comments i have just created two blog post drafts and next two more articles, so i can safely say i hear you and concur!

    Great guest post on the big mans blog….Ed.

  • Hugh Fraser

    Reply Reply February 15, 2010

    John & Dan,
    This post is so so true as I have been doing nothing at all of late, I have been watching video’s but not taking action. This is a great post and I will have to get more done.


  • Jacinta Dean

    Reply Reply February 19, 2010

    Hi Dan,

    Nice to meet you on John’s blog. Procrastination can be our enemy, yes I agree, however no offence so can kids, work and husbands! I am a mum trying to create a business online, while raising my 2 year old, often being the sole provider for my family as well as the cooking etc etc etc. So yes procrastination and finding other tasks is a good one to use as excuses for not getting tasks done, however being a mum that has to multi task to get the job done I find writing lists plastering them every where and then ticking the tasks done the off the list with lots of chocolate as reward is what works for me!! ๐Ÿ˜†

    Great post! ๐Ÿ˜›


    Jacinta ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Mike

    Reply Reply February 22, 2010

    Hi Dan,

    I totally agree with you about getting on with business-“24″ would be a major distraction for me …

    Thanks for a timely reminder and great motivation!


  • Steve King

    Reply Reply February 22, 2010

    Hi Dan

    You make some really good points. I spent most of last year trying to do too much and really achieved very little.

    After spending the Christmas holiday period in chill out mode, I gave myself a really good talking to.

    On 1st January I set out a business plan for the year…

    Everyday I work on my online business, Everyday I come one step closer to where I want to be… in fact I feel like I have already achieved more this year than I did in the whole of 2009.

    I will continue to work on my business everyday!

    Sound advice Dan, great post

  • Dave

    Reply Reply March 3, 2010

    Some good advice. To anyone, making that first sale is THE moment. I can’t say rinse and repeat, but just try and keep to a plan and follow it.

  • Mike

    Reply Reply March 4, 2010


    Well done, great topic and obviously something that most people can absolutely relate to-well count me in at any rate.
    Here’s to a great distraction free 2010!
    Best wishes

  • Waltraud

    Reply Reply March 8, 2010

    Hey Dan – good advice. I also sometimes use horses, dogs, a full time, and a part time job as an excuse. Needed a good swift kick in the butt, I guess. Time to get started on that first eBook!

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