I’m on vacation this week in the Norfolk Broads, I think it’s important to get away from the computer once in a while so I prepared this post before I left, this is one cool feature of wordpress, I actually wrote this post before I left and scheduled it to appear while I was away, I also scheduled aweber to mail out while I’m away, pretty cool I think
Before I came away I had a play around with a new software tool I got from Randy Smith (Randy works for me part time helping with my Partnership Program, and as he credits me with his own success over the last 6 years – he always gives me access to his latest products)
I have to say that this latest product is pretty amazing, and I’m sure Randy wont mind me saying it’s beyond his technical ability to write the software! What he did was team up with a coding expert he actually met at my office.
Simon Phillips came up for the day as part of a bonus package for something I promoted, Randy was there that day for our monthly meet up, and the rest as they say is history!
That in itself shows how taking action and putting all those bonuses to use can have a serious impact on your business. By making the trip to my office to claim his bonus, Simon met Randy, Dave Nicholson my Son Alex and myself.
That lead to Randy & Simon beginning a project together which has resulted in an amazing tool that I’m now using myself!
It’s essentially a Link Cloaking & Redirection software, but what makes it stand apart from all the others I’ve used over the years are a few special extras that they gave serious thought to when coding it.
You see Randy always claims to be non-techy, and even though he seems to cope well these days, he’s managed to keep hold of the ability to break most things by treating them as a newbie would, whereas Simon is so tech savvy, Dave and I had him recode parts of our own software to improve it for our last wso.
Between them they have both played to their strengths and developed the EASIEST to install software I’ve ever seen. It really is SIMPLE with just ONE file to upload.
No cPanel, No Databases, Usernames, passwords etc. to mess about with, and yet so powerful and with so many added extras – I couldn’t resist using it myself!
They also added a feature to make ‘Social Sharing’ a one click function to help promote all our links and hot pages, and all this as well as having the option to create cloaked or uncloaked link redirects. Add to those the hit tracking feature, SEO friendly editable links & pages and the simplicity of how it all works, and you end up with Professional Looking, Click Friendly links that will undoubtedly maximize your commissions, get you more traffic and brand your domain!
As I wanted to make sure you had the chance to check out Randy & Simon’s product while I was on vacation, I also wanted to make sure you got a great deal on the software!
So I spoke to Randy about putting together some special bonuses. Before we cover those, I want to take a moment to explain why I’m promoting a product in
this post:
At the end of the day, I always try to encourage all my subscribers & students to make sure their products offer great value, and by doing so – they become honest ethical and professional marketers!
So when I ask which looks more professional:
Links from an online URL shortener like –
http://bit.ly/5y6dfh3 — http://budurl.com/RandysBlog — http://tinyurl.com/7s9pdsk
Or raw affiliate links like –
Or the ones I prefer to use with my own domain and a recommends link attached at the end, and I’m sure you’ll agree branding your own domain always wins!
What has always stopped a lot of my readers from using their own domain was the tech side of setting these folder and redirects up in the first place, well with Randy & Simon’s software and the ease of install and use, there is no reason for all my readers not to start reaping the benefits today!
When the guys launched this last week, I knew it would do well but I already had emails I’d promised to send out, hence Randy & Simon launched it without my help whatsoever and their results were ‘Smokin Hot’ (that covered my title now – the weather here, my Hot Page, and their results ;))
They had other big name affiliates jump on it due to how well the software does what it’s supposed to do, and how simple they made everything to install and use. Along with a complete set of videos explaining all the functions so even a green behind the ears newbie can follow along easily.
So much so that on top of the sales they were already getting – they achieved “Product Of The Day” on JVZoo for the 28th March and have been featured in the top ten products for the week and in the daily stats!
With quite literally several hundreds of buyers grabbing a copy at the discounted price!
So if you’ve been struggling with the technical aspects of link cloaking and redirection and you’d like to take advantage, here’s the special Randy has agreed to allow me to offer you.
- He’s kept the 70% discount open for a massive saving.
- He’s added an extra hundred places to an exclusive training webinar he will be holding (see page below for details)
- He’s authorized me exclusively to give access to his ‘VideoSalesLettersABC’ course as an extra bonus for my subscribers only!
- He even twisted my arm to add my Affiliate Promo Formula AND the Affiliate Alliance Upsell (Over $200 Value)
I highly recommend you jump on the page below and follow the link to watch the demo videos of just how SIMPLE it is to both install and use the software!
And if nothing else – take on board the lessons here:-
- You don’t have to do it all alone
- You do need to take action
- You should always create products you can be proud of
Basically, what I always say about keeping things honest & ethical!
Now if I have timed this email right and weather permitting I’d better go check that BBQ before it turns everything into black crispy lumps, and maybe get another beer out of the cooler
As Always feel free to leave your comments
April 3, 2012Hi John,
Cheers for the shout out

Much appreciated…. and I’m glad you like the software
April 3, 2012Hi John,
Great post, will be watching the demo video. Weather whilst writing this is snow so I hope this post is at least a week old…lol, and that you had a good vacation.
John Thornhill
April 4, 2012The weather has turned today Donald but we’ve had a couple of days of sun so can’t complain.
Kevin Long
April 3, 2012HI John
Enjoy ya jollies, I will go and check out the offer now, if it’s anything like ‘ABC’ it will be a great product
All the best
Simon Phillips
April 4, 2012Hi John,
Thanks for the blog post – really appreciated
Hope the weather is staying reasonable but don’t forget, it doesn’t rain in the pub!!!
Carl Topping
April 8, 2012Have a great holiday John, and thanks for the post. As for the beer why not well deserved lol.
April 9, 2012Hey John, In previous posts you have advised people against creating WSO’s that use Paypal as the processor. You also advise against promoting those WSO’s since the affiliate puts themselves at the same risk as the merchant due to the fact they are promoting an offering that is on the Warrior Forum and are also getting paid their affiliate commissions vis Paypal. All of that made sense to me UNTIL I noticed that you promote offerings that are listed on JVZOO (and WSO’s listed on JVZOO?). Since affiliates also get paid via Paypal what is the difference between promoting a standard WSO as an affiliate and products that use JVZOO as the platform for payment. As far as I can see, JVZOO uses credit card and Paypal BUT the affiliate still gets paid immediately via Paypal upon a sale. This is DISTINCTLY different from Clickbank, which you recommend as with Clickbank the payments actually come from Clickbank regardless of the payment method. Please clarify your stance! All the best, Dean (fellow Brit).
John Thornhill
April 16, 2012It’s not so bad with JV Zoo as the affiliate pays you direct and the product name isn’t mentioned so as far as PayPal are concerned you are just receiving money from a vendor.
Noel Cunningham
April 30, 2012I hear ya John,
Very important to have a break from the computer now and again. I’ve never been to the Broads but I’ve heard that they’re nice. Nice to get out on the boat and do a bit of exploring…
All the Best – Noel.
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