If I asked you what was your most important asset to your business what would your answer be?
- Your laptop
- Your Internet connection
- Your websites
- Your blog
- Your Facebook account
- Your list
While you need all of the assets above, especially your list, I would say there is something much more important than all of the above and that’s …
Your connections with other marketers.
That’s right, connections. Sure, when I launch a product I have a decent sized list to generate a lot of sales but it’s my JV’s who make most of my sales for all of my products, most who I know personally, and it’s not just JV’s that make your connections the most important asset to your business. What if you need help with something or need some advice, do you have someone to go to who can help you if you need it? I know I do.
Without the connections I have I know I would struggle online as I can’t possibly do everything myself.
I would put my connections into 3 groups.
1 – My very close connections who would do anything to help.
By that I mean someone who would mail for me anytime I asked no matter how much notice I give, someone who would spend hours out of their day helping me with a problem, someone who would be available on Skype at the drop of a hat, who I could talk to in complete confidence about my business. Most of the connections who fall into this category I know very well and have usually met personally, or at the very least have spoke to personally numerous times. I would have their personal email, Skype details and cell phone number.
It goes without saying that I would also be there for them whenever they need my help.
2 – My connections who I can usually count on.
These connections would have supported me in the past for previous launches and I’ve probably supported them. They would usually be there to support me during a launch and would probably find time to help me with anything I needed. They would also know me enough to contact me personally. I would have their personal email and Skype details.
I would also be available to help with most issues but I may not always be available for a promotion, especially at short notice.
3 – My other connections.
Most of my other connections would be people I’ve met in forums, Facebook and other social media platforms, they would probably be on my mailing lists and possibly be an affiliate, there’s also a chance that they may not be able to support me on every launch. I probably wouldn’t have their personal email or Skype details. Any new connections would also fall into this category.
Most of my connections in this category I probably wouldn’t know too well but of course that can change over time.
I don’t suppose you need me to tell you that the more connections you have in group 1 the more chance you have of success, especially with a product launch, so how would you go about building these sort of relationships? Well it’s quite simple, you think about their needs before your own.
So many marketers operate online and all they think about is themselves, they don’t reciprocate with a promotion, they don’t make themselves available when people they know want help and they usually don’t reply to emails. If this is you you are suffocating your business.
If I do my utmost to help you with a launch, maybe offer some advice or promote your product then a few weeks later I email you to ask for a testimonial, or a possible promotion and you don’t reply well guess what? You just fell into the number 3 category and we have to start all over again.
This has happened so many times. When I’m launching a product they can’t be found but when they are launching a product guess what? They are all over my Facebook, inbox and support desk. These people would usually get a polite ‘thanks but no thanks’ reply.
Don’t let yourself fall into this category, if someone has helped you in the past remember it and be prepared to reciprocate, be prepared to offer help and advice and above all be there for them, this is where real relationships are formed and where the big money is made.
Remember, the connections you form are the building blocks to a successful business, but also remember that other marketers are also building their businesses too, so be there for them when they need you because if you don’t you’ll find the online marketing world a very lonely place.
I encourage you to comment, share and like, it will help build our relationship.
August 26, 2012John,
Thanks for telling it as it is. Yes it is key to having a group of people that meet the criteria for being in group 1. I am currently in group 3, but if I can be of assistance to you and your business in the near future, just let me know.
Kind regards
August 26, 2012Hi John.
Some sound advice here!
Reading through your post hit a few chords – and it’s certainly happened to me in the past (and not that long ago).
I agree that some people do neglect at times people that have went out of their way to help them in the past … and as you’ve pointed out, they fall into that number 3 category where they have to start all over again.
Nice post and a good reminder.
Geoff Lord
August 26, 2012Hi John
Thanks for the great article and advice. Many years ago I built several lists but failed to realise their importance till it was too late and they dwindled away like dust in a storm to the point that they were useless. Nowadays, thanks to the many social sites and other means we have of “maintaining” our connections things are much easier, however, that only applies if you actually take the time to interact with them. It is all to easy to say, “I,ll connect tomorrow” only to put that off until the “next” tomorrow. I Am please to say that my “connection” with you has been a great experience for me, and re-taught me things which I knew but failed to apply. I know that I can Rely on you to answer whenever I need help or advice and you always manage to find the time to help. So thanks for taking the time to “connect” with us all who are lucky enough to be on your Connections List.
Geoff Lord
August 26, 2012Hi John,
i tought the most important asset;in your opinion, was the list,but as i am living personally now,connecctions are..vital.
i am going to start witha kindle ebook and a WSO offer,but i feel tremendously,my isolation,phisical and preofessional,for the web marketing as well as for my..dubbing profession.a total ..big..stop,with an old mother etc.
You can think to Todd Gross in Italian.
Well,time togive and receive,ASAP. have a good Sunday.
John Thornhill
August 26, 2012Luigi,
I have said many times there is nothing more important than building your list and this is true, but I am talking about assets here and when you think about it your list combined with your connections lists = the ultimate asset.
I hope this makes sense.
Bart Nash
August 26, 2012Hi John,
I’m glad you wrote that post. You know for me working a regular job and staying up all night till the wee hours of the morning working on my blog and learning everything I can from your Partnership coaching program and everything else that comes with it. It’s very easy to forget what the really important things are. And that’s why I’m glad I chose you as my personal coach because I know you will keep my going in the right direction.
Thanks for a great post
Bart Nash
Steve Reh
August 26, 2012Oh
how true this is John
awesome post
August 26, 2012Hey John,
Another great post, thank you very much. I’m beginning to understand how important forming these sorts of relationships are. It’s very difficult when you’re just starting out as I am, but I think if you approach it from an attitude of offering to help someone without expecting anything in return you’ll have a much better chance at developing these all-important relationships.
Thanks again, this was a great read.
John Thornhill
August 26, 2012“I think if you approach it from an attitude of offering to help someone without expecting anything in return you’ll have a much better chance at developing these all-important relationships”
Nail on head ted.
Sergio Felix
August 26, 2012Couldn’t agree any more with you John.
I have found that by properly networking and nurturing relationships, you can definitely go places.
I have connected to some influencial people before in the IM industry and while I still don’t know how much they are going to help me when I need it, I do have a strong clue they will lend me a helping hand and who knows, maybe that will bring many sales too (I still have to try that).
I’m not too much of a phone kind of guy so I do not have plenty of personal phone numbers either but I do have the honor to say I have a few persons that I could definitely label as “Very close connectins” based on your descriptions.
People that I would stop anything I’m doing at a given time to help them no matter what it is and to whom I think they would do the same for me.
Actually it’s funny that you wrote about this because even though I believe my approach was very bad to get started online (I waited for too long to create my first product) I think that relationships may actually help me get back that lost time in # of sales.
I could be wrong but still, I definitely agree that great relationshps are KEY in this industry.
Omar Martin
August 26, 2012Nice one John!
Without question one of the most valuable lessons I learned from you has been to focus on building the list. This is by far my companies greatest business asset now.
Having a responsive list attracts JV’s, and in turn puts you in complete control of your financial future. A well groomed list empowers you to make money on command and those “connections” people speak of will come seeking YOU out.
So how do you build a “RESPONSIVE” list? Easy. Put the subscriber first ion everything you do. Offer them unconditional VALUE, be patient and watch your business EXPLODE.
Omar Martin
August 26, 2012I will add that… The “connections” I have made over the years have been priceless in the growing of my business. I consider guys like yourself, Dave, Mike, Josh, Joey, Devon, Kris and a few others to be true friends even more than business partners.
A HUGE part of these friendships was the fact that I attend offline events to meet people in person. There is so much that can be accomplished when we take our businesses offline!
I highly recommend that people attend events and begin to cultivate those friendships outside of the digital divide.
August 26, 2012Hi John,
Glad you enjoyed your well-earned break and thanks for another highly relevant post on taking your online business seriously.
Even those of us that don’t have huge or responsive lists can at least mail anyway and use social media to get the word out further so there’s no excuses not to help people in your circles.
It seems some people are frightened to mail their list especially if it’s small because they don’t want any un-subs but to be honest, those un-subs are a good thing coz they probably weren’t gonna buy from you anyway and just cost you money sitting on your list.
Building relationships has got to be one of the most important things you can do as a marketer.
Chris Shaw
Paul E Steinberg
August 26, 2012John,
Thanks for your connecting post. From the very first time I heard an audio of you I felt assured of your loyalty to your jv connections. I have repeatedly found this connectedness when taking part in your webinars and during “skype sessions” with you, and even down to your follow thru with your email support. I am soon to be launching my first product with you and the Partnership To Success community called “Easy Big Income From Stocks”. I am hoping big time for a successful launch and the support from our Partnership crew, just as I will help any one else with their own product launches.
Thanks John and to all supporting members,
Paul E Steinberg
Carl Picot
August 26, 2012Hi John
Yea without a doubt your connections are 90% of what makes this game successful. You have been one of the most helpful people that I’ve met so far and am highly grateful of your support. I am sure that I will be able to repay you tenfold one day. That is my goal anyway !!
Thanks for the great advice !!
cheers Carl
August 27, 2012Hi John,
Thanks for inviting me over to your blog once again And it was well worth coming and reading your great post .The content was of great value as usual.
Zora Blume
Craig Pullman
August 27, 2012Hey John,
there is a reason you have such a great reputation online and you just outlined it in the above post. I call the people in category 3 ‘fair weather friends.’ You only see them when they want something. Hope you had a great break.
August 27, 2012Hi John,
As usual another great post. I have to admit that networking has never been my strong point, but I am trying to make a connection to more people all the time.
Since I bought some of your products I have watched in awe as I see you do exactly what you are talking about.
The synergy between you and Omar, Dave, Micheal Cheney etc is a study in the mindset that we need to be developing if we are going to emulate your success.
Your products are great, the products you promote are usually top notch and the bonuses you all offer really does give us the chance to connect with you all as well.
I hope in the future that I can at least work my way up to your category 2, perhaps even Cat 1.
Nick Barton
Ron Mayer
August 27, 2012Hi John,
Thanks for another great post. Working online can feel lonely at times. Knowing you have circles you can count on makes that alone feeling small. Your post made me realize I need to start growing my circles, which basically equates to your team.
August 27, 2012The first thing i thought of as my most important asset was my brain and the ability to learn.
I do have to agree that having a lot of good connections will greatly increase our earning potential. As we say here in Thailand it isn’t only what you know it is who you know that can make the difference.
Time for me to start building more internet marketing connections.
Rob Corrigan
August 27, 2012Hi John,
as usual sound advice based upon your own experience. As you say it’s all about building relationships and supporting fellow marketers. I remember you saying in the 2009 Masterclass that other marketers are notyour rivals but potential business partners.
spot on john.
Jean-Francois Trin
August 27, 2012Hi John,
This is so, so true my friend, As with anything in life: We get back what we put in… True relationships are always 2 way and ongoing as per our sense of values.
And you are a great example of that, all great leaders are!
Thanks for always providing valuable content.
Timothy Bray
August 27, 2012Hi John,
very timely advice, you’ve reminded us all of the need to assist others in our online endeavors.
As you correctly point out in other words, no man is an island, if we expect success, we ought be willing to help others with their success first.
Appreciate the helpful reminder John, here’s to helping others more.
August 27, 2012You may be the best thing that could happen to me——-but i am worn out nearly from trying things. i am at this time looking at getting a quick web presence via niche done for you type thing this thru a marketer with a good rep (like your self :)——– who knows what to think when your a green hopper!
Dean Thompson
August 27, 2012Hi John,
The people who only want one way help are the people who will ultimately struggle in the long run as people will certainly remember their lack of help.
It boils down to common courtesy and if they can’t afford this then they aren’t worth bothering with.
Like the saying goes ‘What goes around comes around!’
Dean Thompson
Steve Fairburn
August 27, 2012Hi John,
Such sound advice and as one of your students, advice you so readily give within your programs and on your trainings.
Having built a network marketing business which works in exactly the same way, helping others and relationship building is so important.
Many thanks,
Galen Anderson
August 27, 2012Hi John,
My wife left a half gallon of Bacardi Rum, but about three/fourths of it is gone! In the mean-time, I’m going to email you my new ebook, “HOW TO GET STARTED ON CLICKBANK, TOTALLY FREE!”
I signed up for “something Job”, and you guys were bonuses! See what you think about my new book!
I hpoe to get Mack’s good blurb which I can use on my sales page!
Galen Anderson
http://Magic Wand Music & Computers.com
August 28, 2012G’day John, you’re dead right … the same applies in the online world as does in the offline business world. Having been self-employed for 23 years (the past 11 being from a home office), I can vouch for developing relationships that involve trust, reciprocity, sharing of knowledge, and mutual respect. If any of these fragment then the relationship is on a quick slide to oblivion.
In terms of an online biz, I’ve written in my book “Home Business In New Times” a bit about leveraging assets and time in developing an online presence. It’s not the full story of course, but is an important component in creating connections not only in local communities but also in communities (e.g. niche communities) that many only have a faint notion about.
It takes time to build trust, it takes time to build relationships, but these two factors are so imperative to create a solid online business. Bonded networks if you like.
All the best
Ian McConnell
August 28, 2012So true John. It is incredibly helpful when you have a network that can give you feedback and help you promote.
What’s also important is that you are a honest and ethical operator, like yourself.
Ian McConnell
Western Australia
Michael K Joz
August 28, 2012Hi John,
It is always a pleasure reading your insightful posts. I am about to complete my product as a student from your 1MMM program and your blog posts have been a great aid to me. I now gather how powerful JVs are and how to grow and maintain them. Thank you once again and as you promised your 1MMM students, we are sure of your partnership as we aspire to grow into the class of renown Imers. Please allow my backlink if it pleases you.
Michael K Joz
Michael K Joz
Keith Dean
August 29, 2012Hi John,
Just read this post and fully agree with you.
I have an online business working with an SEO company in the US where I look after quite a few of their clients for them. I also am just partnering with a pal of mine setting up a kitchen refacing business – he does the work like fitting etc and I do the sales and ordering.
After reading your post it made me think about how we all get pulled into the offline/online distinction…but we shouldn’t!
If you are dealing with customers or connections face to face or online then the basics should apply in the same way in my opinion.
All successful interactions are built on good relationships and keeping your values intact. It amazes me how many marketers out there hassle like crazy to get you to buy their “stuff” and then just leave people to it to figure it out on their own.
I treat everyone the same whether online or offline…if a little old lady needs help with a kitchen price then I will do my best…if someone online asks my advice about SEO or social media then I do the same.
Glad you are one of the good guys too John….but then I wouldn’t be in your Partnership To Success course if you weren’t!
Matt Morgan
August 31, 2012Hi John,
Yes making a network of connections and building a relationship with them will go a long way.
Many people don’t do this, and even more don’t even know about it.
Leveraging partners marketing can give a boost in your progress, and a huge asset to your business.
Matt Morgan
Tim Bonner
September 6, 2012Hey John
Thanks for your thoughts on this.
It’s hard when you’re starting out as no-one particularly wants to make a connection either. So, it’s a bit of a catch 22 situation I think!
But making that connection, I’m sure is the best thing that can happen to any online business. If you go about using people then you’re not going to get very far very quickly.
Mark Healy
September 8, 2012hi john i loved your post.
yes i think JV partners are crucial to an internet business.I try and stay in contact at least once a week and offer value to them and help them in any way i can.Especially when it comes to product launches.I also think my list is one of the most valuable assets in my business too.
great post john
Louis Di Bianco
September 15, 2012This is a very important message, John. it is a reminder that we are in a people business. I think it’s easy to forget that when the internet makes it possible to communicate and sell without personal contact.
Some get seduced by the impersonal aspect of instant, global, electronic communication. They think all they have to do is create attractive lures, and the money will flow in. They forget the crucial part about human interaction. They forget contribution.
Unless one has something to contribute to others and is willing to graciously support fellow marketers, their success will be a flash in the pan.
Marc Milburn
October 11, 2012Hey John!
This is absolutely spot on. I’ve built a seven figure company and 95% of my traffic still comes from affiliates and JV partners, such as yourself.
I’m pleased to put myself (I think) into Group #2. I think I’ve promoted pretty much everything you’ve released and you’ve promoted a lot of my stuff too.
I think this is one of the main reasons that people fail to drive traffic and really make it online. They just don’t have the reputation or the connections they need.
One of the great reasons to head out to as many live events as you can! You never know who you could be sat next to!
Hope you’re well, dude.
Dhafir Fuller
December 6, 2012Hey John,
This is a great post, I’m in the process of doing lots of the things you’ve already implemented and they are working. I purchased your product and think it’s been a wonderful investment. Partners are so easy to come by once you’ve built evergreen content.
December 6, 2012I started building connections even before social media sites became popular. I would collect visiting cards of almost everyone I met and store their contact details on my outlook. Today I have a huge database that I use to market my website.
The real challenge though is to update contact details as people change telephone numbers, jobs or even die:(
Donald MacLeod
December 6, 2012Hi John,
Excellent post mate. I do help other folk if I am able and get the same back. People like yourself who go out of their way if a problem occurs and not having to go through support. Only last week I had a problem and asked barry Wells for advice. He shot me a video on ‘How To’, I was very impressed and thankful for that.
I would like to think I am at least in the No 3 bracket…lol.
Kind Regards
Diane Hurst
December 6, 2012John, this is true in so many business endeavors — like the saying goes, “it’s who you know” that can make a difference. I’m in a Yahoo group of self-publishers who give great support to each other. Without them I would feel much more lost than I already am
And as my business grows I hope to be able to help other small businesses more, too.
Terry Chestnutt
December 7, 2012Excellent advice, John, and well put. No doubt about it.
Carol Duvall
December 7, 2012I fully agree that a list is truly an asset when you connect to people and can show them you care. That is why I would like to succeed in internet marketing- to help others succeed.
Gareth Kentish
December 7, 2012John,
Not a single comment in opposition – and like the rest, I absolutely agree. Having seen the proof of your advice in action I can’t wait to contribute to this really worthy community of Internet Marketers.
As a member of your Partnership to Success program, John, I have had great support from the other members – connections, connections & connections – makes perfect sense!
Thanks again for helping me get this far.
December 7, 2012Hi John,
I am not as long around in the IM scene as you are, but I think you’re right when you tell me it’s important to have the right connections.
In Germany we have a phrase where these connections are named the important “Vitamin B” where B stands for “Beziehung” which is the german word for relationship
If you have the right kind of relationships and if you have enough of them you will have it easier to succeed in your business.
best regards
Val Waldeck
December 7, 2012John, you certainly practice what you preach and the results speak for themselves. Thank you for being so available.
Deirdre Irvine
December 7, 2012Your article makes great sense It is great to offer supoport when possible to those who help you wherever possible You cannot really expect help if you do not answer emails etc
December 7, 2012Good post John this is the first time I’ve seen another marketer hit on this subject and it makes such sense
December 7, 2012yep, you are right about the relationships with the other marketers especially on the sales of the products. Here in Malaysia, I noticed the local IMs here are a tight bunch and support each during each other’s product launches.
Samuel Heins
December 9, 2012A list is needed first before I get some JV partners, but I do have to agree that relationships are the top focus.
I feel that the ability to create products have to be high up on the list of assets. Because with great products and a willingness of giving 100% commission to affiliate would build some really big lists.
Dave Ball
December 9, 2012Very interesting post, at the moment I only have people whom I know in the warrior forum and Facebook groups and I do hope that this changes over time. I have taken your advice John and offered value both in the warrior forum when I can and in your Facebook groups giving away a free ping list. It actually feels good when you do something for somebody and take nothing in return only know the fact that someone is better off than they were before you helped them.
I am definitely been more sociable, instead of spending hours blog hopping and looking through Facebook, now I am trying my best to help people that have faced the same problems I have faced.
In saying that I am not afraid to ask questions either as it also shows that one cant be good at everything and for me that is very true but I am concentration on the things I exel in, I hope.
ray menecier
December 30, 2012Hi John
I am not quit shore if I could be of any help and offer advice but I do listen to your advice and I actually do what you tell me to do
But Believe me John If you ever want any advice on any building work and roofing work, These at the moment are the only two things that I now 100% of and would only be happy to give you some advice on.
Thanks Ray Menecier
Dave ball
January 11, 2013Agree with your choices , the list would also be in my top 5 , I suppose without Internet connection and a laptop it would prove redundant .
Building foundations would be top for me , wheter that’s a list or a relationship a solid foundation and focus rank high for me.
March 21, 2013Hi John, I am new on your list and have bought several products from you. Your products are very good and I feel that you do over deliver on all the products I have purchased. I am on lists that are connected with you and promote your products and they have much to offer as far as good advise and will reply directly back if I have a question just as you do. I have not had that experience with many marketers and I have received hunderds of offers in the past 4 years.
I think what you offer is great service and that is very important to me. Not to mention how great a deal your inner circle offer is.
Now, if I could just get good targeted traffic to my golf school website I would be even happier.
Guy Martin
March 31, 2013Hi John,
I find it fascinating of people to ask for help but get lost when it’s time to reciprocate. Are they just stupid or what? I’ve got similar types of people in my day job always wanting me to work for them but never seem to return the favor.
Good info John,
Jeff Ackerman
April 11, 2013John:
Apparently you wrote this a few months ago but it is quite appropriate for all times. It is especially appropriate with the up coming live event May 16 -18 in Orlando. I am glad I will be there to start building my network.
April 18, 2013Great stuff john,and so true,credibility amongst yourself and others is the main thing as well as i scratch your back you scratch mine,that is how this stuff works really,you want something be prepared to give something back.
Jon Crimes
February 4, 2014Thanks for the great advice John, it makes perfect sense but would have taken me a while to work out by myself! I always thought IM was a case of every one for themselves, how wrong was I?
Jon Crimes
Chris Scire
March 13, 2014Solid advice for anyone who is starting out. It can be over- whelming to try to do everything by yourself. I agree with you that the key to success is to focus on building relationships and offering help to others. In turn will help you.
Thanks John
Jimmy Hancock
March 14, 2014Glad that I decided to join your Partnership to Success program this year. Great advice on building relationships. It goes along nicely with The Go-Giver book advice.
Starting a relationship is fairly easy. Keeping and building them up is the hard part.
I’ll have to work hard to make your list and work my way up it.
See you along the path,
[…] may remember this blog post where I stated that your most important asset wasn’t your list, which is what most people […]
[…] may remember this blog post where I stated that your most important asset wasn’t your list, which is what most people […]
[…] may remember this blog post where I stated that your most important asset wasn’t your list, which is what most people […]
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