Internet Marketing Success! – Is Your Mind Right?

This is a guest post written by Andrew Vaughan

I just had to get this post out to you as soon as I could!

You see, yesterday, I was sitting in the garden, having a short break from things, when it suddenly hit me. I realised that something that was absolutely essential for my online success, had taken place almost automatically. I wanted you to share this, because when you become aware of it yourself, it can’t fail to also help you to make significant progress.

I’ve now been following the coaching program of my mentor – Alex Jeffreys for about three weeks now – in parallel to learning some very useful techniques with yours truly – John Thornhill. I’ve learnt some key principles that are crucially important to my (and your) online success.

Now, it’s a simple fact that my mentor has been highly motivating, asking me to ‘take action’, using the statement; “don’t get it right, just get it going”; which of course is correct. If you needed proof, just take a look at what I’ve done in those three weeks.

I’ve put my own fully functioning blog on line, involving domain names, hosting, WordPress themes, email setups, plugins etc., and I’ve uploaded a website that links to my free list building report, involving more domain names, squeeze page editing, opt-in forms, Aweber, uploading files to my website etc – and believe me, that’s only the half of it.

Now, the last thing I’m trying to do here is put you off or scare you in any way – remember, I’m here to share my experience with you and to help you succeed.

But – and this is an important ‘but’ – if the thought of actually taking action and getting really involved, does cause you negative thoughts and a dread of getting started, then you’re almost certainly not currently in the correct frame of mind.

Here’s a very famous statement from one of the first mass producers of automobiles in America, which you’ve probably seen before but nevertheless, you’ll see is extremely powerful and very true:

“If you think you can, or think you can’t, you are always right” Henry Ford.

Just contemplate this statement for a moment and you will see exactly where I’m coming from and what I’m trying to help you with.

What epitomises that statement more than anything else I think, is this true story of Henry Ford’s approach to a particular problem that he was determined to solve.

Henry Ford manufactured the first V-8 car engine. But it took Determination, Vision, Persistence and an absolute and unwavering Belief (amongst other things).

Henry Ford had a team of designers and engineers, who he instructed to design and build a V-8 engine. Right from the start, this team told Henry that it was impossible to cast an eight cylinder engine block in one piece.

Nevertheless, Henry paid their salaries and instructed them not to worry about it, but just to get on and produce it anyway.

Each time Henry met with his team, he was met with the same old excuses, but he simply told them to stay on the job until they succeeded, no matter how long it took. Well, the rest is history, because the secret (if there was one) of producing an eight cylinder engine was discovered by Ford’s team.

The message to take from this is that Ford succeeded because his Desire, his Determination and his Belief were unwavering. Even in the face of the extreme negativity of his design team, right from the outset.

They only achieved what they did, because eventually, Ford’s determination and belief that this engine will be produced, finally eradicated their own negative thoughts. They at some stage must have also started to believe that success was achievable. They would have certainly started to make small gains, taking definite steps towards their ultimate goal, gradually being more and more aware that success wasn’t far away.

I’m sure by now, you’ve got the main message that I’ve been trying to get across to you – right?

Your mind, your thoughts, your outlook and your overall approach to your main goals is crucial to your ultimate success. Now I’ve only just scratched the surface here when it comes to the incredible power of your mind and how you can make real progress with the right attitude and approach.

If you’re really serious about your online marketing success (or with anything that you want to succeed in), why not give yourself the best possible start you could.

By taking the right approach to understanding your current situation, you can effectively evaluate exactly where you currently are in your thinking – this is CRUCIAL by the way. Once you have this knowledge, you can then take some definite, targeted action to empower your own mind to deliver you the success you desire.

This is a guest post written by Andrew Vaughan – The author of Mind Magic – The Self Help Master System that can help you achieve the success you deserve and give yourself the best possible opportunity you can to take control and attain your ultimate goals and desires. Check it out here:


  • Kelwyn S

    Reply Reply August 30, 2009

    Great article. This is one of those articles that makes one tell oneself: “This guy must be speaking specifically to me”.

    So often we are loaded with positive and constructive ideas, but as you mentionedd, whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are always right.

    Bottomline: Just do it! Thanks again for the reminder and inspiration.

  • Tom Harvey

    Reply Reply September 2, 2009

    Great article with some pertinent facts and thoughts. I’ve learnt loads too from Alex Jeffreys but yet to have John’s wisdom benefits although have purchased his recent PLR product which I hope will deliver and assit my business.

  • Rob Corrigan

    Reply Reply September 3, 2009

    Great post Andrew this and similar examples can be read in Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich” which is the most inspirational book I have ever read. Pop along to my blog post and see my post the words of Napoleon Hill, you can download a free copy of “Think and Grow Rich” from the link in my post.


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