Coaching Case Study – Sue French

This is a case study from a student who took part in John Thornhill’s Coaching program.

Name: Sue French

Niche: Dog Health



From Sue

The course has finished; the 16 weeks have fairly flown by. Time to consider how much I have learnt and the progress I have made.

I’ve been dabbling online for about three years, joined John’s “PowerSeller Challenge” about a year ago. It was just one of many products I spent money on but did not apply myself to. I was an Internet Marketer’s dream customer, buying every new thing to land in my inbox and focusing on none of them. They say “the money is in the list” – this is surely true if you have people like me on your list!

Over the months, John began to stand out as someone who knew what he was doing. I liked his honest, friendly approach, so when his Coaching Program became available, it was an easy decision for me to sign up. I thought the price was fair, and I was pretty sure I would get value for money. I was right.

In 16 short weeks I have gone from being technologically incompetent to having two blogs up and running (go here to have a look), a product created (you can view sales page here) and listed on ClickBank, a bonus product and a 7-day minicourse related to my product, complete with its own landing page ( minicourse opt-in ). I had to start a second blog, because the niche I chose for my product had nothing to do with Internet Marketing, which was the subject of my first (and now somewhat neglected) blog. ( First blog is here )

The Coaching Program has certainly been intensive, but I loved the fact that I could follow along at my own pace. My technophobia slowed me up a bit at times, but it didn’t matter. All the material I needed was there, and if I struck a problem (as I did several times) John and Daniel (John’s technical assistant) were easily available to sort me out. At no time did I ever feel that I was left to flounder along on my own.

The main presentation of course material was by video. Each video was short and devoted to only a single, small step, which made it easy to find what I wanted when I needed to go back to refresh my memory about something. A handy checklist provided each week made it easy to be certain I’d completed all the work necessary before advancing to the next stage.

I have progressed from being someone who could barely do more online than press the “BUY NOW” button, to being someone who has researched a market and chosen a niche, chosen and purchased a domain name, can set up and manage a WordPress blog, create material and upload it to the internet, manage an autoresponder account, list items on ClickBank, create material for affiliates, create my own product, write a sales letter and create a sales page, write articles and submit them to article directories and much more besides. This all feels to me like an enormous achievement. My confidence level has soared.

I can thoroughly recommend John Thornhill’s Personal Coaching Program to anyone who is ready to learn the Internet Marketing ropes.


Sue French

1 Comment

  • June

    Reply Reply September 20, 2008

    You need to do some corrective work in your HTML editor to fix your sales page and upload it again. The bullet points are in the middle of the page instead of lined up where they should be. If you are using FrontPage, it will often add in weird coding that you have to edit out. NVU will do this too, but not as bad as FrontPage. Tellian is another free editor that does not add any extra coding. You may want to try it instead.

    I don’t know if you had intended to put in an image on the top right of the page, or possibly an adsense block. Whatever you had intended to go there you forgot to add in so you have a huge blank white space. This is on the dogfoodmiracle page.

    Thought you would like to know as it may hurt your sales.

    Other than that it looks really fabulous. You did a great job!

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